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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

“A few years ago, I realized I wasn’t living my best life,” explains Margaret Hunter, owner of Central Pennsylvania hot spot Hunter’s Dairy Freeze. Suffering from debilitating pain, a desperate Margaret underwent a rare jaw replacement after years of suffering. “The locking, clicking, headaches, muscle spasms…I desperately needed help.” Building a new jaw personalized for Margaret required molds of her mouth to be made and countless head scans overseen by Geisinger professionals and professionals from around the country. They designed and built – from scratch – a brand new jaw held in place by “metal plates, screws and bone grafts,” Margaret added, running her fingers down five-inch scars just behind her ears. Another added bonus of her new jaw? A better night’s sleep. “I went from having 52 apnea episodes an hour to less than five. It’s amazing. I went through terrible pain before the surgery and I am so grateful to these people. I trusted them. I put all my faith in them. They’ve given me my life back.” #GeisingerStories
Margaret Hunter
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