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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

At the tender age of 17, Hunter Jones was diagnosed with a rare case of pediatric colon cancer. As if that wasn’t enough, further testing revealed she also had a brain tumor.
A successful surgery to remove the brain tumor left Hunter with two small scars along her hairline. Surprisingly, she also emerged from the surgery ambidextrous. Just three weeks later, Hunter had additional surgery to remove the cancerous portion of her colon. The surgeons tattooed the area to use as a guide for future needs – Hunter’s first tattoo. Thanks to the due diligence of her team of physicians, nurses and staff, Hunter is continuing her journey to attend college next year -- acceptance letters are already in the mail. Hunter continues to touch the hearts of many and is currently being home schooled as she recuperates. And although Hunter is undergoing a regiment of radiation treatments, she still greets everyone with her beautiful, bright smile. #GeisingerStories
Hunter Jones
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