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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

“Tumors can be silent killers,” says JoAnn Kline of Lewistown. In June 2017, JoAnn began noticing difficulties with balance, vision and hearing. After treating her symptoms for a few months, she finally had an MRI — and in December, JoAnn was diagnosed with a brain tumor. “When I learned what was causing the symptoms, I actually felt relief. Now I had a clear path to treatment.” JoAnn was referred to neurosurgeon Andrew Conger, MD, who specializes in removing large tumors. 
After removing 98 percent of the tumor, Dr. Conger told JoAnn her tumor had likely been growing for more than 20 years. “Two months post-operation, I was back to my normal self — I was eating and drinking normally and walking on my own. I had regained my balance, and my hearing and vision disturbances had diminished. To have bounced back in such a short period of time was considered quite a success.”
JoAnn has one piece of advice: “Don’t take your headaches for granted, especially if balance and hearing is affected. Take symptoms seriously. I had a renewing of my mind through the journey of my brain tumor experience.”
Dr. Andrew Conger cares for patients at Geisinger Medical Center. To learn more about Dr. Conger and neurosurgery, visit
joanne kline
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