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According to behavioral scientists, many of us who try to create healthy habits could use some strategies to make changes stick. For example, we may make a resolution to exercise more or lose weight, but we don’t take the necessary steps for success. Below are some tips proven to help you form new and lasting healthy habits.
Stack your habits. Try to tie a new habit to your existing ones. For example, if you already take a morning walk, start to follow it up with a healthy breakfast.

Stick to it every day.
Habits can often take a while to create, but research shows the more often we do them, the faster they form.

Start small. Making a drastic life change is difficult even for the most disciplined people. Starting with a smaller habit, such as taking a short walk every day, could develop into a larger habit — like a jog that leads to a run. Before you know it, you’re finishing a 5K!

Reward yourself. Some rewards, such as weight loss, can take a while to show up. Giving yourself immediate rewards, like taking a few minutes to call a friend, can help you stick with your goals. 

Blueprint for healthy habits

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