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Film to accommodate children with special needs

LEWISBURG, Pa. – Children with special developmental needs and their families are invited to attend a sensory-friendly showing of Storks as part of Geisinger’s Autism & Developmental Medicine Institute’s (ADMI) Community Outreach and Family Support initiative.

The showing will take place at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 17 at the Campus Theatre, 413 Market St., Lewisburg.

Loud music, vivid special effects, explosions, fast scene changes, and the multiple dimensions of many of today’s films can be difficult for children with special needs. They can experience these effects as sensory overload.

This showing of Storks, as part of the Sensory Friendly Film Series, will:

  • Provide a comfortable and accepting environment for those who want to get up, move around or make noise
  • Feature family friendly movies in 2-D
  • Begin on-time, with no previews or trailers
  • Lower the volume of music and special effects
  • Provide low-level lighting, instead of total darkness
  • Allow families to bring or purchase snacks

Doors will open at 1:30 p.m. The movie will begin promptly at 2 p.m.

Attendance is free, although donations are welcome to help continue the series.

For more information, visit, or follow the latest ADMI news and more on Twitter (@GeisingerADMI) and Facebook (ADMI on Facebook).

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