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Employees scheduled more than 400 mammograms  

DANVILLE, PA — Recently, Geisinger Health Plan (GHP) presented a check for $4,610 to the American Cancer Society to signify 461 mammogram appointments scheduled by employee volunteers.

GHP held its first “Mammothon” in April. Over the course of four days, 172 employees called more than 4,500 members who were overdue for a mammogram to help them schedule the lifesaving screening. Members were informed GHP would donate $10 to the American Cancer Society for each appointment scheduled.

Susan Swartz, 67, of Columbia, Pa. was thankful to receive her phone call. Swartz went for her mammogram screening and was told to come back for another. The second scan was clear, much to her relief.

The ease of having a GHP employee call to assist her schedule the appointment was all Swartz needed to get the important screening.

“I’d think ‘oh I’ll call them tomorrow’ and then I don’t call,” she said. “I had so much going on in my life, I probably would have pushed it back.”

Lisa Newton, a registered nurse, GHP wellness manager and breast cancer survivor, volunteered to make calls because she knows first-hand the impact of getting a yearly mammogram. Newton told her story to many of the women she spoke with and let them know if it weren’t for her early cancer detection she would not have been fortunate enough to call them that evening. 

About one out of eight women in the U.S. will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society. Early detection through regular screening is the best chance for a successful outcome.

“Mammograms are one of the best tools we have to detect breast cancer in its earliest stages, when it can be easier to treat,” said John Alduino, Senior Director of State Health Systems for the American Cancer Society’s East Central Division. “We thank Geisinger Health Plan, its staff and volunteers for providing this vital service to their members.”

About American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service. For more information, visit: or call 800-227-2345.

About Geisinger Health Plan
Geisinger Health Plan, begun in 1985, is headquartered in Danville, Pennsylvania. Geisinger Health Plan’s HMO, Geisinger Choice’s PPO and Geisinger Gold’s HMO are among the highest-rated private and Medicare health plans in the nation.* The plan serves approximately 540,000 members in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maine, and New Jersey. Coverage is available for businesses of all sizes, individuals and families, Medicare beneficiaries, Children’s Health Insurance Program and Medical Assistance recipients. For more information, please visit

*NCQA’s Private and Medicare Health Insurance Plan Ratings 2015-2016. Geisinger Choice is listed in NCQA Health Insurance Plan Ratings under Geisinger Quality Options. Geisinger Gold HMO is listed in NCQA Health Insurance Plan Ratings under Geisinger Health Plan.

Geisinger presenting check to the American Cancer Society
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