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WILKES-BARRE, PA – Through the use of spectacular lights, modern music and powerful videos, DJ Choices has been able to educate high school students about the opioid epidemic and inspire them to make positive choices. Last week, it was the community’s turn to hear their message.

Geisinger Health Plan (GHP) and DJ Choices presented a free opioid awareness and education event from 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 6 at Holy Redeemer High School, 159 S. Pennsylvania Ave., Wilkes-Barre. The public was invited to learn how they can help students make positive choices and connect with those providing addiction support and treatment options.

Guest speakers included:

Perry Meadows, MD, medical director of government programs at GHP
William Lisman, Luzerne County coroner
Frank Rodriguez, speaking about his recovery
Jim Beach, CleanSlate Addiction Treatment Centers

The event included about 40 vendors, including local volunteer organizations, recovery and treatment resources, social groups and health and fitness clubs. Geisinger’s Medical Assisted Treatment clinic and Marworth Treatment Center were also represented at the event.

“Our goal is not just to raise awareness, but to give resources to anyone who is in recovery or looking to enter recovery,” Bryon Carey, DJ Choices co-founder, said. “We are giving parents actions they can take to get their children involved in the community and away from drugs.”

“The parents need this information too,” said Dr. Meadows, whose own family has been devastated by opioid addiction. “The most effective part of the program is the people on the video telling their stories. These are people who lived it and it really reaches the audience when they come out on the stage and talk to them in person.”

You can read the Citizens Standard article here and Fox 56’s coverage here.

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