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DANVILLE, Pa. – Janet Tomcavage, Geisinger’s chief population health officer, was recently recognized by Becker’s Hospital Review as one of 32 chief population health officers to know in 2019.

Becker’s Hospital Review recognized 32 chief population health officers at hospitals and health system across the country. Each one leads initiatives for their organizations focused on improving the health and wellness in their communities.

Many of their efforts have served as models for other organizations nationwide, effectively working with at-risk populations to reduce preventable disease, manage chronic illness and overcome negative social determinants of healthcare.

Nominations were accepted for the list. It was published March 20 and is available here.

Janet Tomcavage, Geisinger executive vice president and chief nurse executive, was the first nurse at Geisinger to win the Pennsylvania Nightingale Award for clinical excellence in an advanced nursing role in 1994. 
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