Get started with Geisinger Gold today!
Browse our plan options.
Geisinger Gold Classic (HMO) plans
- Comprehensive, affordable protection
- Predictable out-of-pocket costs
- Primary care physician coordination of your medical care, including covered services such as hospitalization, routine office visits, physicals, immunizations, diagnostic tests and X-rays
- Built-in prescription drug coverage with most plans, generic drug copays starting at only $3.
- Coverage for routine dental, vision and hearing services, as well as fitness benefits
- Medications delivered right to your door step with our member-only CareSite mail-order pharmacy program
Geisinger Gold Preferred (PPO) plans
- Fitness benefits
- Predictable costs
- The freedom to choose any doctor or hospital you wish
- Built-in prescription drug coverage with generic drug copays starting at only $3.
- Optional coverage available for routine dental, vision and hearing services, as well as fitness benefits
- Enroll in a Geisinger Gold Preferred plan
- Medications delivered right to your door step with our member-only CareSite mail-order pharmacy program
Geisinger Gold Secure Rx (HMO SNP) plan
- A Special Needs plan for people who meet certain income or needs-based criteria. If you’re fully eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, Geisinger Gold Secure Rx may be right for you.
- Prescription drug coverage included
- Coverage for routine dental, vision and hearing services, as well as fitness benefits
- Medications delivered right to your door step with our member-only CareSite mail-order pharmacy program
Our service area
Geisinger Gold plans for individuals are available in these specific counties
- Adams
- Armstrong
- Beaver
- Bedford
- Berks
- Blair
- Bradford
- Bucks
- Butler
- Cambria
- Cameron
- Carbon
- Centre
- Chester
- Clarion
- Clearfield
- Clinton
- Columbia
- Crawford
- Cumberland
- Dauphin
- Delaware
- Elk
- Forest
- Franklin
- Fulton
- Greene
- Huntingdon
- Jefferson
- Juniata
- Lackawanna
- Lancaster
- Lebanon
- Lehigh
- Luzerne
- Lycoming
- McKean
- Mifflin
- Monroe
- Montour
- Northampton
- Northumberland
- Perry
- Philadelphia
- Pike
- Potter
- Schuylkill
- Snyder
- Somerset
- Sullivan
- Susquehanna
- Tioga
- Union
- Venango
- Warren
- Washington
- Wayne
- Westmoreland
- Wyoming
- York
Contact us today!
Our Geisinger Gold Medicare Advisors are standing by and are ready to help you on your Medicare journey.
Geisinger Gold Medicare Advantage HMO, PPO, and HMO D-SNP plans are offered by Geisinger Health Plan/Geisinger Indemnity Insurance Company/Geisinger Quality Options, Inc., health plans with a Medicare contract. Continued enrollment in Geisinger Gold depends on contract renewal. Geisinger Health Plan, Geisinger Indemnity Insurance Company, and Geisinger Quality Options, Inc. are part of Geisinger, an integrated health care delivery and coverage organization. Risant Health is the parent organization of Geisinger.