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GHP Kids member incentive program 

Earn rewards for staying healthy. To learn more:

GHP Kids member incentive program

Your child’s health and well-being are your top priorities — and ours. That’s why GHP Kids is making better health easier (and more rewarding). Through our member incentive program, you get rewards for helping your child stay healthy. And it’s available at no extra cost to you.

Member incentive rewards

Earn a variety of rewards, just for keeping your child up-to-date on routine vaccines, dental visits and health screenings. It’s easy. Once your child completes these health activities, you’ll earn a gift card. You don’t need to do anything else.

  • Immunizations for adolescents – $25 Walmart Healthy Living gift card*. Members are eligible once they complete all adolescent vaccinations:
    • One meningococcal vaccine between ages 11 and 13
    • One Tdap vaccine between ages 10 and 13
    • Two HPV vaccines between ages 9 and 13
  • Annual dental visit – $25 Walmart Healthy Living gift card*. Just complete one dental check up with a licensed dental provider during the calendar year.
  • Lead screening for infants and toddlers - $10 Walmart Healthy Living gift card.* Members who are at least 9 months of age, are eligible if they have at least one blood test to check for lead poisoning by their second birthday.

*Gift cards may not be redeemed for cash value, regardless of dollar amount, and cannot be used to purchase alcohol, tobacco, firearms or ammunition, optical, prescriptions, candy, items at register aisles, electronics, toys, seasonal items or jewelry. Geisinger Health Plan is not responsible for lost or stolen cards.

Fill out the form for more information about GHP Kids — a member of our team will contact you soon:

*By submitting this form, I agree to receive relevant marketing communications on this and other topics, services and products that may be of interest to me. I acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions.

Frequently asked questions

When will I receive my gift card reward?

It can take up to 12 weeks to process your claim, prepare and mail your gift card to you. We mail out gift cards once a month.  

If I earn multiple gift cards/amounts, will I be paid the total amount all at once?

We mail gift cards once a month. All activities completed within a month will be included on one gift card. 

Do screenings have to be preventive to receive a gift card?

Yes, screenings must be ordered by your child’s healthcare provider for preventive purposes, not for treatment.

Am I eligible if I completed these activities before Jan. 1 of the current calendar year?

Only services completed on or after Jan. 1 of the current calendar year are eligible for the Walmart gift card.

If I have multiple children and earn an incentive for each child, will I receive multiple gift cards?

Yes. You’ll receive one gift card for each incentive you complete, for each child.

To participate in this program you must have been actively enrolled with Geisinger Health Plan for one year. Geisinger Health Plan Kids (GHP Kids) is a Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) offered by Geisinger Health Plan in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS). Geisinger Health Plan is part of Geisinger, an integrated health care delivery and coverage organization.
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