Celebrating Your Fitness Milestones
We all deserve a little pat on the back for accomplishing a goal, especially when it comes to fitness.
Whether your goal is to walk a mile 3 times a week, or finish your first half marathon, it’s important to reward yourself for a job well done! When you set a goal, write down a meaningful reward and be sure to follow through with yourself when you reach your goal.
Avoid using food as a reward because this may encourage unhealthy eating habits. Once you have worked so hard to get active and lose weight, why would you reward yourself with a high-fat meal or treat? This may actually sabotage some of the healthy habits that you have worked so hard to create.
Treat yourself to tangible rewards. Here are a few examples our wellness team enjoys:
• New clothing
• Concert tickets
• Vacation or weekend getaway
• Night out with friends to see a movie
• Spa day
• Relaxation/time alone
Also remember to celebrate the less tangible, but most important rewards:
• Healthier weight
• Lower blood pressure
• More stable blood sugar
• Better cholesterol numbers
• Quality sleep
• Improved muscle tone
• Improved self-esteem and confidence