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Blueberries are a great source of Vitamin C, manganese and dietary fiber. They are also low in fat and sodium. Put a spin on your holiday cookies with this recipe for blueberry and white chocolate chunk ginger cookies.


1 cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup wheat germ

½ teaspoon baking soda

½ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon ground ginger

1 large egg

¾ cup packed dark brown sugar

⅓ cup canola oil

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

½ cup oats, quick-cooking or old-fashioned (not instant)

2 ounces white chocolate, chopped

⅓ cup dried blueberries, (see Tip)

¼ cup crystallized ginger, chopped (see Tip)



  1.  Position racks in upper and lower thirds of oven; preheat to 375°F.
  2. Whisk flour, wheat germ, baking soda, salt and ground ginger in a small bowl. Whisk egg, brown sugar, oil and vanilla in a large bowl. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients; stir to combine. Add oats, chocolate, blueberries and crystallized ginger; stir just to combine. Drop by rounded tablespoonfuls onto 2 ungreased baking sheets, 1½ inches apart.
  3. Bake the cookies until puffed and barely golden around the edges, switching the pans back to front and top to bottom halfway through, 8 to 10 minutes. Cool on the pans for 2 minutes; transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Make ahead Tip: Store in an airtight container for up to 3 days or in the freezer for up to 1 month.

Tip: Dried cranberries or cherries will also work in place of blueberries; all can be found, along with crystallized ginger, in the baking, dried fruit or produce sections of many supermarkets and natural-foods stores.

Storage smarts: To extend the life of your baked goods, store them in an airtight container in a single layer or between layers of parchment paper to prevent sticking.

Nutrition information

Serving size: 1 cookie

Per serving: 114 calories 4 g fat (1 g sat); 1 g fiber; 18 g carbohydrates; 2 g protein; 2 mcg folate; 8 mg cholesterol; 10 g sugars; 9 g added sugars; 51 IU vitamin A; 0 mg vitamin C; 11 mg calcium; 1 mg iron; 82 mg sodium; 23 mg potassium 

Carbohydrate Servings: 1

Exchanges: ½ other carbohydrate, 1 fat


blueberry and white chocolate chunk ginger cookies
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