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Geisinger provides notice of Nuance’s data security incident

When it comes to breast cancer, early detection can save lives. That’s why Geisinger reaches out to members to make sure they are thinking about preventive care.

For the last two years, Geisinger held a “Mammothon” in September to help members schedule mammograms.

“The Mammothon allows us to reach out to our female population and help them understand the importance of taking preventive action toward their breast health,” Shea Good, project coordinator, said.

About 90 Geisinger employees called members who were overdue for a breast cancer screening. While on the phone with them, they offered members assistance with scheduling appointments, setting up transportation and offered extended hours on Saturday for members who work during the week. 

For Shea, this initiative has taken on a special meaning.

“This project was near and dear to my heart because my mom is a breast cancer survivor of 12 years and being able to help these members get screened really meant a lot,” she said.

In 2017, about 166 members scheduled mammograms through this outreach initiative. Geisinger Gold also donated $10 to the American Cancer Society for every mammogram scheduled and has contributed $4,610 to date. 

“I am proud to work for GHP because I get the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of our members,” Shea said.

shea good
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