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Anyone can get Lyme disease, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

Embrace the outdoors, but protect yourself and your family against tick bites with these four easy steps:

  • Use insect repellent that contains 20-30% DEET. Follow the instructions on the packaging and coat yourself well.
  • Once you’re done outside, bathe or shower as soon as possible.
  • After you bathe or shower, examine your body for ticks. Ticks can hide under armpits, behind the knees, in the hair and in the groin area.
  • Put your clothing in the dryer on high heat for 60 minutes. This will kill any remaining ticks.

If you experience symptoms such as rash, fever, chills, fatigue, joint or muscle pain or facial paralysis, and you know or suspect that you have been exposed to ticks, seek medical attention. You might have Lyme disease and need medical treatment immediately.

Image of tick
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