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Wellness programs in the workplace can make a big impact!

Our wellness team is here to help coordinate and implement wellness initiatives that have proven success. One participant has seen eye-opening results: 
Rebecca has participated in the employee wellness program at her workplace over the past three years. Initially, she was advised that her BMI and blood pressure were elevated and was given education and resources to help her improve her health. Throughout that first year she worked hard, losing 12 pounds and lowering her blood pressure as a result. 
Later, her employee wellness program helped diagnose her with Type 2 diabetes and equipped her with the information needed to make healthy lifestyle changes. Rebecca credits the support from the wellness staff with making it easy and motivational to get healthy and track her success. After continuing to participate the in the wellness programs offered at her workplace, Rebecca is now 77 pounds lighter with a blood pressure in a normal range and controlled blood sugar. Great job, Rebecca!
Wellness program success
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