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Geisinger provides notice of Nuance’s data security incident

Geisinger Health Plan's leadership team

We’re committed to providing the best quality for our members. That’s why we have one of the best leadership teams in the industry.

President, Geisinger Health Plan and Executive Vice President, Insurance Operations

Kurt Wrobel, president of Geisinger Health Plan and executive vice president of insurance operations.
Jeffrey Alex, JD

Chief Compliance Officer

Stacey E. Benseler

Chief Medical Officer

John Bulger, DO, MBA, chief medical officer of Geisinger Health Plan.

Chief Financial Officer

Eric Galvin

Vice President of Health Services

Allison Hess

Vice President of Government Programs

Mary Mastrandrea

Chief Operating Officer

Susan Torrey

Chief Sales Officer

Roger van Baaren, chief sales officer of Geisinger Health Plan.

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